About Us

We don’t care about religion!

Thereā€¦got your attention. What we DO care about is relationships – your relationship with God and others, including family, friends, work colleagues and everyone you encounter. Jesus said that is what being a Christian is all about: God first, others second. Keep that simple principle in mind and you can cover all Ten Commandments.

We believe that God loves you, regardless of what you have done or will do. Because of God’s love for us, He invites us all to accept His plan of redemption/salvation and extends His mercy and grace to us.

We believe that God is a compassionate, loving, caring Father who wants nothing but the best for all of us. We believe that Jesus Christ is both the Son of God and the Son of Man — the human face of God, who died as a sacrifice for all sins committed before and after the moment He sacrificed His life and suffered a horrible death for us.

We believe that Jesus came back to life a few days after His death to show us that there is life after death and death is forever beaten – a man who split time, created the largest and longest-lasting movement in history, and lives today at the right hand of God.

We believe that part of God lives in Christians as Holy Spirit and that we can be guided by Holy Spirit to live our lives more like Jesus would — IF WE ALLOW HIM (that is the hard part) to have control of our emotions (heart) and thoughts (mind). Christianity is a journey that changes us from the inside-out, not the outside-in as all other religions and beliefs do.

We believe that all that is needed to get a prepaid ticket to Heaven and have the power of God in you and your life, is to pray a prayer similar to the following and really mean it:

“Dear God, I know I am a sinner and that I need Your forgiveness. I believe that Jesus died in my place on the cross to pay the price for all my sins – past, present and future – and that He rose from the dead. I now ask Jesus to come into my life as my Savior and my Master. Thank you God for making me Your child. Help me learn to please you in every part of my life and become more like Jesus. Amen.”

If you sincerely prayed the above prayer, do not expect instant changes to occur in your life; although these can happen. Some changes can occur instantly. In most cases, changes occur over time–as God changes you from the inside, your outside will show it.

We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God: If it is not in there, then we don’t place much weight on it. We try and make everything we do, think and say, conform to the Bible.

We believe that you need to be part of a Bible-based church to grow as a Christian.